Shanghai Bowl - Lenmarc

All You Can Eat Suki - with Pork

Shanghai Bowl
Bulan-bulan ini AYCE tampaknya menjadi salah satu menu favorit di Surabaya. Yang paling terkenal selama ini adalah Hanamasa dan Cocari, tapi tahun ini banyak juga pemain baru yang menyajikan konsep AYCE yang sedikit berbeda, salah satunya Shanghai Bowl ini.
Sayangnya alternatif resto satu ini tidak cocok untuk buka puasa karena adanya menu babi berlimpah.

AYCE restaurant are very popular during fasting month of Ramadan. People who fast all day usually have bigger appetite after break fast. Usually the two big boys are Hanamasa and Cocari, but this year there's plenty of newcomers. Sadly though, this particular one isn't suitable for those on Halal diet, since they serve plenty of pork.

Shanghai Bowl dan beberapa AYCE baru sedang mengikuti trend Suki & BBQ, beberapa ada yang buka di mall-mall lain juga di saat yang sama. Beberapa di antaranya ada On Yasai dan Shaburi.

Shanghai Bowl is following a trend of new AYCE eateries that are now springing up around Surabaya, almost all of them are located inside of malls. Few of the example are On Yasai & Shaburi.

Kunjungan ke sini dalam rangka gathering foodies/ undangan, jadi suasananya cukup meriah. Sayangnya entah kenapa di Lenmarc saat itu ada masalah dengan pendingin udara, jadi sebagian lantainya ada yang terasa panas, dan di sinipun demikian.

This visit was an invitation for a foodies gathering, so it was quite fun and festive. Despite that, the air conditioner were a bit off, so we ended up getting a bit hot & humid inside the eatery. Seems like there's a problem with both the central cooling of the mall, and the smaller units inside the restaurant.

Gathering around for food shot

Shanghai Bowl - Lenmarc Surabaya

AYCE Dishes

Shanghai Bowl - Beef Suki

AYCE nya ada dua versi, yang pertama promo price RP 88.000, ++ (tax 21%) sedangkan harga regular nya Rp 118.000,++.
Bedanya pertama, untuk promo hanya tersedia siang hari saja, kedua ada beberapa pembatasan, setahu saya yang daging sapi ini terbatas untuk 1x order saja dan mendapat satu piring.

There's 2 version of the All you can eat price, one is the promotion at Rp 88.000,++ while the other is at Rp 118.000,++ (21% tax)
The differences between the two is that promotion price can only be had during lunch time, and there's a limitation on the beef, where you can only get 1x order in 1 plate.

Shanghai Bowl - Beef Suki & Pork

Shanghai Bowl - Fried Dishes

Shanghai Bowl - Mushroom

Shanghai Bowl - Clams

Shanghai Bowl - Fried Tofu
Aneka macam makanan yang di freezer, seperti di foto yang ada di atas, perlu dimasak terlebih dahulu dalam kuah sukinya. Selain pilihan bahan masakan, ada juga yang sudah siap santap seperti foto-foto di bawah ini.

The photos above are raw food, ready to be dip in the Suki soup for cooking. Aside from those suki ingredients, there are ready to eat dishes, which are mostly fried foods. It tastes quite nice, I particularly like the spicy fried chicken.

Shanghai Bowl - Korean Noodles

Shanghai Bowl  - Fried Dumplings

Shanghai Bowl - Beef Suki

Shanghai Bowl - Beef Suki
Ada 6 pilihan soup yang bisa dicoba, kebanyakan orang suka dengan kuah Mala dan Chinese Herbal soupnya. Pilihan lengkapnya bias dilihat di bagian menu di bawah post.

There's 6 choice of soup to choose, which is quite abundant. The favorite are usually Mala and Chinese Herbal soup. The complete list of soups are listed on the menu photos below.
Shanghai Bowl - Fish Soup

Ala Carte

Shanghai Bowl - Babi Hong (Rp 88.800)
Menu Ala Carte di Shanghai Bowl juga beragam dan menarik semua, beberapa menu ala carte yang kita coba bisa dilihat di sini.

The Ala Carte menu in Shanghai Bowl is aplenty and interesting, some are the dishes can be seen on the photos here.

Shanghai Bowl - Fillet Ikan Segar denga Sup Asam Pedas (Rp 98.800)

Menu ala carte favorit kita adalah Soup Fillet Ikan ini. Ada kemiripan dengan masakan klasik, Sup Kakap Sayur Asin, tapi rasanya lebih unik.

Our favorite ala carte menu were this Fillet Fish Soup. It has similarities to a classic Peranakan Dish, Snapper Fish & Salted Vegetable soup, but there's a different twist to the old recipe which makes this menu even more delicious.

Shanghai Bowl - Angsio Kodok dengan Saus Cabe Merah (Rp 78.800)

Shanghai Bowl - Angsio Paha Babi dengan Angchio (Rp 118.000)

Shanghai Bowl - Angsio Paha Babi dengan Angchio (Rp 118.000)

Teppan Iga Sapi dengan Cabe - Rp 128.000


Shanghai Bowl Beverages

Shanghai Bowl Beverages

Shanghai Bowl Beverages

Shanghai Bowl Beverages

Makanan di sini lumayan menarik dan enak, ada opsi untuk AYCE atau Ala Carte yang bisa mengikuti selera. Kebanyakan teman yang ke sini tampaknya lebih cocok dengan AYCE regular seharga Rp 118.000,++ yang tidak ada batasan pemesanan daging sapi.

Food here are pretty nice, there's option for ala carte or All You Can Eat, which is pretty nice and gives plenty of option. Most of my friend that visited here opted for the regular package, which has no limitation on the beef being served.


Shanghai Bowl - Menu AYCE & Pilihan Kuah / Soup

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl - Menu

Shanghai Bowl

Lenmarc Mall lt dasar
Jl. Bukit Darmo Golf, Pradahkalikendal, Dukuh Pakis, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur
Telepon : (031) 51163059


  1. Hallo ko..
    Maaf sedikit ada pertanyaan hehe
    lensa sony DT apa bisa dipasang ke body sony a6000? perlu adapter atau gak? terimakasih bantuannya ko

  2. Halo. Kalau lensa DT nya A mount tidak bisa langsung dipasang, harus pakai adapter


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