Beberapa bulan lalu
saat acara pembukaan
Kawi Lounge, kita cukup beruntung sehingga bisa mendapatkan undian menginap
di kamar Sheraton Club, di hotel Sheraton Surabaya.
ulasan tentang pengalaman menginap di salah satu hotel paling populer di
Surabaya ini.
A few months ago we attended the Kawi Lounge opening event. On that event we got
lucky and manage to win a complimentary stay the Sheraton Club Room
Complimentary Club Room |
Supaya tahu harga per
malamnya, saya mencoba click banner agoda di samping, dan mencari tahu berapa
cost untuk menginap di sini di bulan Agustus 2016, hasilnya sekitar Rp 1.600.000.
Bisa dicoba sendiri di link berikut ini : Agoda
I was curious about the room rates of the one
we won, so I clicked the Agoda banner in this blog, just on top of the right
window bar, and putting the dates on August 2nd ot 4'th. The rates comes at
about Rp 1.600.000 for this room. You can have a look for yourself in this link
: Agoda
Sheraton Club Surabaya |
Salah satu fasilitas
menarik yang bisa dicoba selagi menginap di kamar Club dan strata di atasnya
(suites) adalah Sheraton Club. Posisinya ada di lantai atas (kalau tidak
salah 25) dan di dalamnya ada resepsionis, ruang makan dan afternoon tea.
One of the perks of staying in upper tier
room like Club Room and Suites is the opportunity to use Sheraton Club. It
consists of a second receptionist (also present in ground level), a dining area
and afternoon tea place. This place is located on the 25'th floor of Sheraton
Surabaya, and really adds to the exclusivity of staying here.
Sheraton Club Surabaya - Welcome Drink |
Sheraton Club Surabaya |
Dining area di
Sheraton Club ada yang smoking dan non smoking. Yang di foto ini disediakan
untuk para perokok, tempatnya lebih kecil tapi tatanannya tidak kalah menarik.
There's two dining area inside the Sheraton
Club, one is smoking while the other is obviously non smoking area. The photo
above is of the smaller, smoking area, which albeit lacking in size, it is cozy
and classy.
Sheraton Club Surabaya |
Sheraton Club Surabaya - Hot Cappuccino |
Sheraton Club Surabaya - Dilmah Tea |
Sheraton Club Surabaya - Afternoon Tea Spread |
Sheraton Club Surabaya |
Sheraton Club Surabaya - Dining Area |
Tempatnya selain untuk
Sheraton Club Surabaya |
Jln Embong Malang no 25-31
Telepon : 031-5468000
Booking :
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