Bazar Live Market (Oktober 2016)
Setelah beberapa bulan
tidak bertemu bazar, bulan lalu kita berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi bazar Live
Market di Galaxy Mall.
After months not
seeing any bazaar, last month we visit a rather interesting one in Galaxy Mall,
Live Market.
Live Market |
Ada dekorasi yang menarik
di bazarnya, salah satunya dinosaurus di bagian depan bazar yang menarik untuk
plenty of interesting props and games to play here. One of them is this big
dino which serves as a photo spot.
Niki Sae |
Niki Sae - Urap |
Ayam Goreng Niki Sae |
Nasi Mbok - Niki Sae (Rp 35.000) |
Siomay Wahoo - Rp 40.000 |
Siomay Wahoo - Rp 40.000 |
Siomay / Batagor Bandung Wahoo - Rp 40.000 |
Semua yang sempat kita
coba di sana rasanya ok, pengecualiannya hanya untuk minuman di bawah saja.
We had a pleasant
experience, and the food we tried were okay. Too bad we can't say the same
about this beverage bellow.
Dum Dum Thai Tea |
Yang agak disayangkan minuman Dumdum ini, sudah 3x pesan biasanya rasanya
lumayan, saat kemarin coba di acara Bazar rasanya agak pahit. Moga-moga ke
depan lebih bagus QCnya, karena termasuk alternatif lumayan untuk ukuran
minuman dalam bazar, kalau di luar bazar sih kita lebih sering tergoda Chatime
dan Sharetea :D
Our least favorite
item during the visit were this Dum Dum Thai Drink. It's usually taste good,
but this time it's very lackluster. Tasted a bit bitter and bland, not up to
the standard we usually had. hopefully they get better QC next time, since we
never had any of those problem with the usual beverage stalls outside the
bazaar like Chatime and Sharetea.
Share Tea - Galaxy Mall 2 |
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