Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg, Austria

Good Coffee and Great Bread

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg

Kali ini saya ingin share tempat perhentian yang tidak terlalu terkenal, tapi menarik untuk dibahas karena dekat dengan atraksi turis di kota Salzburg, Austria.

This time I'm gonna post about a quite obscure little cafe, which I couldn't find anything about having googled them. I think it's still worth a post here, since it's near the tourist attraction in Salzburg, and the bread is of high quality.

Salzburg - Salzach River

Menu of Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg 
Harga-harga di sebelah kanan itu untuk paket roti dengan kopi, sambil menebak-nebak sedikit kita mencoba order satu pilihan paket. 
1 Euro saat itu agak tinggi, sekitar Rp 16.000

The menu is in Austrian (german?) so we did a guess of what the menu was, and ordered the packages on the right.
Euro was a bit high last year, with the exchange rate going for 1 Euro : 16.000 Rupiah

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg
Yang membuat kita tertarik ke sini adalah penampilan kafe/ bakery nya yang terlihat kuno tapi tetap terawat dan cantik.

What attracted us to this little cafe is the quaint old design. Despite being old, it's in immaculate condition.

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg
Baik kopi maupun roti yang disediakan semuanya terasa lezat. Sentuhan kecil di sekitar kafe menambah kenikmatan pengunjung.
Berbeda dengan di Asia yang kebanyakan kafe memiliki banyak staf, di sini hanya ada satu ibu yang melayani kami, tanpa barista, tapi kopi bikinannya tidak kalah dengan kafe ternama di Surabaya.

Both the coffee and bread tastes great, we love the small details and effort that they put in to the plating.
It's starkly different when compared to the bustling cafes of Asia, here instead of baristas handling the espresso machine, we got a lovely lady serving us by herself, and she did made a delicious cup of coffee.

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg
Menginap di B&B milik Eva dan Henry (dari airbnb) kita tidak membeli roti untuk dibawa pulang di sini, karena mereka menyajikan menu makan pagi yang enak sekali.

Staying at Eva and Henry's place (from airbnb) we didn't buy any bread here, since the bed and breakfast serves a killer breakfast, we didn't need to stock up on bread for the morning.

Backerei Peter PfoB - Salzburg
Sesudah ngopi cantik di sini, bisa melanjutkan jalan kaki ke obyek wisata terkenal di kota Salzburg, area Old Town.

Having enjoyed the delicious coffee and bread, we continue by foot to the beautiful Salzburg Old Town.

Salzburg Old Town
