L'hotel Island South [Hong Kong]
L'Hotel Hong Kong
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L'hotel Island South |
L'Hotel adalah salah
satu hotel yang layak untuk dipertimbangkan para adventurer, flash packer dan
yang tidak keberatan menggunakan public transport untuk jalan-jalan di Hong
Dahulu saat ke sini belum ada MTR (subway) yang buka, jadi kita
cukup kerepotan untuk pulang pergi dari Airport ke hotel dan ke downtown.
Going to Hong Kong
soon? Here's one of my recommendation for the flashpackers. Like me, I consider
myself a flashpacker too. I don't really work that hard to save on my expenses
during holiday, but I do tend to pick the most reasonable offers, and pick
options which gives the best bang for the buck.
This here, is such a
place. You get a lot of creature comfort inside, but you do need to work on
some researches beforehand.
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L'hotel Island South |
Untuk turis
konvensional yang ingin serba mudah, hotel-hotel di pusat kota bisa jadi
pilihan yang lebih menarik, terutama untuk yang tidak terlalu perduli tentang
kualitas penginapan, yang penting jalan-jalannya.
Lokasi hotel ini ada di ujung selatan kota, dekat dengan Ocean Park (bisa dilihat di bagian bawah post, peta lokasi)
For most of the
tourist, wanting to stay somewhere convenient, this shouldn't be your first
choice, since it's located way south of the island (see in map below this post)
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Bus Stop near L'Hotel Island South |
Di hotel ini ada perhentian bis yang tepat berada di bawahnya, tidak sampai 5 menit bisa sampai ke sini dari hotel. Masalahnya, saya sudah biasa naik bis di kota-kota lain, baik Trans Jakarta, Eropa, Singapura maupun KL, dan semuanya tidak ada yang serumit halte bis di Hong Kong. Sempat nyasar 2 hari sebelum akhirnya mengerti cara mencari perhentian bis dengan efektif, dan ini sudah dibantu dengan Google Maps dan Apps lain.
Kalau kesulitan menggunakan rute bis, mending jalan jauh sedikit, menuju MTR station, melewati jembatan penyebrangan, sekitar 10 menit jalan kaki.
There's a
conveniently placed bus stop just below this hotel, which can be reached with a
very short walk. Problem is, bus stop here is quite dreadful. I'm not what
you'd call a novice in public transport navigation, frequently using Trans
Jakarta, European public bus and other cities like Singapore and KL. But they
all pale in comparison to the complicated, tangled bus stops here in Hong Kong.
Took me
about 2 days before I can find the bus stops effectively, and that's being
aided with Google Maps and other apps. If you're having trouble with the
bus stop, I suggest taking a longer walk to the MRT station, about 10 minutes
away, crossing a bridge.
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L'hotel Island South |
Hotelnya sendiri
termasuk murah untuk ukuran Hong Kong. Hotel bintang 4 di tengah kota rata-rata
mematok harga per malam sekitar Rp 2.500.000,-. Kalau di l'hotel ini, harganya
berkisar Rp 1.000.000,- saja per malamnya, tapi tanpa breakfast.
Bisa cek tarif terbarunya di sini : Agoda
This hotel is quite
affordable for Hong Kong standard. 4 star hotels usually charges about Rp
2.500.000,- per night, especially for the ones located near Tsim Tsa Shui and
other downtown area.
Here it's just Rp
1.000.000,- per night, sans breakfast.
You can check the
going rate on your travel date here : Agoda
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L'hotel Island South - Hotel Corridor |
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L'hotel Island South - Bedroom |
Di kamar untuk 2 orang ini sebetulnya bisa mengakomodasi 3 orang dengan nyaman, bahkan 4 orang kalau tidak keberatan sedikit sesak. Tapi Hong Kong cukup ketat dalam pengawasan jumlah tamu dalam kamar. Kalau memang ingin mencoba memasukkan orang ketiga, mungkin perlu datang pada saat yang berbeda supaya terlihat seperti tamu yang tidak menginap bersama.
This here is a two person bedroom, but it could easily accomodate 3 person, even 4.
For this city standard, this room size is humongous, usually you get a room so small, you'll need to do some real life tetris, moving the suitcases out of bedroom, to bathroom, just to get a space to open one of the suitcase. I'm not kidding, it's that small.
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L'hotel Island South - Furniture |
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L'hotel Island South |
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L'hotel Island South - Fitness Center |
Fitness centernya
tidak kalah dari hotel bintang lima. Ada kolam renang juga di sini, sayangnya
tidak bisa dipakai saat jadwal saya menginap di sini, karena sedang musim
dingin. Sebetulnya sih tidak terlalu masalah karena suhu musim dinginnya di
Desember hanya sekitar 20 derajat celcius, tapi kebijakan hotel di Hong Kong
memang menutup kolam renang tanpa pemanas selama musim dingin.
Their fitness center
could rival those 5 star hotels. There's also a swimming pool here, too bad it
wasn't open during my visit due to the winter closing schedule.
It's only 20 degree
celcius at the time, which is quite comfortable for me, but the policy is
during december they close the unheated pools in Hong Kong.
Map :
L'Hotel Island South
55 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Hong Kong Island South, Hong KongFor Booking : Agoda
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