SkyLine Cafe Surabaya

Foodie Gathering & Comparison of

Minolta MC 58mm f1.2 - Canon FD 55mm f1.2 - Voigtlander 50mm f1.1

Mille Crepes - Minolta 58mm f1.2
Di Surabaya Barat banyak kafe baru yang dibuka, konsepnya menarik dan rasa hidangannya pun cukup menarik. Salah satunya saya ulas kali ini Skyline Cafe yang mengundang kita untuk acara gathering di siang hari.

There's plenty of interesting new cafes in Western part of Surabaya city, those cafes are generally well designed with interesting dishes to accompany it. One of this cafe is Skyline Cafe which I had the opportunity to try during a foodie gathering.

Voigtlander 50mm f1.1
Tempatnya cocok untuk nongkrong dan hangout bersama teman, karena tempatnya photogenic dan banyak cahaya matahari dari jendela di lantai dua. Jadi gampang banget mau ambil foto yang menarik di sini.

This place is a very well designed cafe, which are also brightly lit. It's great for hanging out with friends, you'd easily take a good picture, with plenty of sunlight running trough the windows.

Quiche - Rollei 35mm f2.8

Baik hidangan makanan maupun minuman di sini cukuk baik standardnya. Ada beberapa yang terasa sedikit beda dari yang biasa kita makan, seperti quiche di atas, tapi platingnya tetap asyik untuk difoto. Favorit kita biasanya lebih ke arah dessert dan hidangan manisnya, seperti Nalu bowl.

Both the dishes and beverages served here are made with a good standard. There are some dishes that tastes a bit off, but the plating is still awesome. Our favorites are usually the sweeter options, Nalu bowl for example.

Foodies - Rollei 35mm f2.8

  Blog post kali ini akan lebih banyak membahas gadget / lensa ya, mohon maklum akhir-akhir ini sedang kurang motivasi blogging tentang tempat makan :D.
Sebelum membaca lebih lanjut, bisa cek link di sini untuk memahami lensa manual, jenis lensa yang saya pakai siang ini :

This time I'm gonna write more about the gadget part (lens), since I've been having writer block trying to write about eateries. Before you continue reading below, if you're unfamiliar with manual lenses do visit this link of my previous blog post. Introduction to what is manual lens :

Canon FD 58mm f1.2
Siang ini saya ke sini dengan niat mencoba tiga lensa favorit dengan bukaan lebar, Minolta 58mm f1.2, Canon FD 58mm f1.2 dan Voigtlander 50mm f1.1.
Lensa pertama dan kedua itu termasuk lensa kuno yang tidak lagi diproduksi, sedangkan lensa ketiga adalah lensa modern tapi tanpa Auto Focus. Semuanya dipasangkan pada kamera A7ii saya menggunakan adapter.

Today I'm excited to try a few artistic lenses with a very wide aperture. Minolta 58mm f1.2, Canon Fd 58mm f1.2 and Voigtlander 50mm f1.1.
All are attached to my Sony a7ii camera using adapters.
The first one, Minolta lens, is a classic lens which are not in production.
The second one, Voigtlander 50mm f1.1 is a Leica M lens, and still being made today. They all don't have auto focus feature.

Cake & Olympus

Saat itu cukup beruntung juga bisa bertemu dengan instagramer yang memakai kamera yang akhir-akhir ini saya sukai, Olympus EPL7 (m43 camera).
Kalau di merk Fuji, saya paling suka dengan body XM1, sedangkan di Olympus, favorit saya adalah EM10, karena desainnya ergonomis, fitur lengkap dan sudah ada wifi.
Bisa dilihat hasil foto dengan kamera ini di link instagram berikut :

I was also lucky enough that day to find an instagramers using Olympus camera, which is currently among my favorite.
I've frequently said that in the fuji brand, my favorite camera is the XM1 due to it features and affordability, whilst in Olympus brand, my favorite camera would be Olympus EM10 (mark 1).
It's affordable, packed with feature and very ergonomically designed. It also already have a wifi for transferring photos to your mobile phone.

Minolta 58mm f1.2
Lensa bukaan lebar, biasanya fisiknya besar, jauh lebih besar dibanding lensa fix standard dengan bukaan f1.8 atau f1.4 misalnya.
Keunggulan lensa ini ada dua, pertama cahaya yang masuk lebih banyak, jadi kita bisa memfoto di tempat gelap tanpa kesulitan.
Kedua masalah bokeh / out of focus area. Dengan lensa bukaan besar, bokeh yang didapat lebih menarik. Walau kadang tergantung selera juga, ada yang suka dengan model foto artsy seperti itu, ada juga yang lebih cocok dengan hasil foto bukaan kecil, yang dari depan sampai belakang banyak terfocus.

Wide Aperture lens is physically quite big, especially compared to other prime lens at smaller aperture at f1.8 or f1.4.
The benefit of using this wide lens at f1.2 and below is you get more light hitting the sensor, meaning it's easier to photograph in dim light.
The other thing is pleasing bokeh, which are the term used to define out of focus bubles.
Some people like them (yours truly for example) and other might prefer something with deep depth of field, with picture in focus from foreground to background.

Canon FD 55mm f1.2
Berikut beberapa menu yang sempat diambil fotonya, bisa dilihat di sini karakter lensanya ada kemiripan. Walaupun Voigtlander adalah lensa modern, tapi tonal dan karakteristiknya mirip dengan lensa classic

This are some of the menu we took photo of. You can see there's similarity in their tone and character. Though the Voigtlander is a modern lens, it has similar characteristic to the classic manual lens, even looking more vintage compared to the other two.

Voigtlander 50mm f1.1
Mengenai mana yang terbaik, tergantung selera masing-masing. Tidak selamanya lensa yang paling tajam memiliki hasil paling menarik, jadi penilaian bagus tidaknya ketiga lensa ini cukup subyektif. Kalau saya pribadi paling menyukai hasil Minolta.
Dari segi harga, urutannya dari mahal ke murah adalah Voigtlander -> Minolta -> Canon FD

Which one is the best, depends on your own taste. This isn't about the sharpest lens of the three, rather it's what aesthetically most pleasing for each viewer. For me personally, Minolta is my favorite.
Price-wise, the lenses from the most expensive to most affordable are in this order, Voigtlander -> Minolta -> Canon FD

Minolta MC 58mm f1.2

Canon Fd 55mm f1.2 - Mille Crepes

Canon FD 58mm f1.2 - Nalu Bowl

Skyline Cafe

Jl. Mayjen Yono Suwoyo, Pradahkalikendal, Dukuh Pakis, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60226
