Taste Good Chicken Salted Egg - Sim Lim Square Singapore

Salted Egg Galore, hold the Irvin's please

Taste Good - Chicken Salted Egg (S$5) Singapore

Telur asin sampai sekarang tetap menjadi makanan favoritnya penduduk Singapura. Kalau sudah bosan dengan produk terkenal sejagat, Irvin's Salmon Skin, bisa cobain beragam makanan lain yang menggunakan bahan salted egg di Singapura.
Salah satu yang lumayan adalah Chicken Salted Egg ini

Salted Egg seems to be all the rave in Singapore, apart from the famous Irvin's chips, there's plenty of other food to try. This is one of the better one I've tasted, Chicken Salted Egg dish.

Taste Good -Sim Lim Square 2nd floor.  Singapore

Taste Good -Sim Lim Square 2nd floor.  Singapore

Taste Good -Sim Lim Square 2nd floor.  Singapore

Taste Good -Sim Lim Square 2nd floor.  Singapore

Chicken Salted Egg dan menu-menu masakan yang harus dimasak terlebih dahulu baru ada setelah 12.00 pm, jadi untuk yang ke sini terlalu pagi, bisa pilih menunggu jam 12 atau makan ready made dishes di counter mereka.

The Chicken Salted Egg is available after 12pm, so if you come early, be prepared to wait, or just order their over the counter dishes above.

Taste Good - Chicken Salted Egg (S$5) Singapore

Rasanya cukup enak, bisa dilihat di video di atas untuk lebih jelasnya bagaimana tekstur ayam dan kekentalan sausnya untuk bayangan.
Porsi lumayan, tidak terlalu besar tapi cukupan. Untuk yang makannya suka porsi gede, bisa nambah menu tambahan lain di counternya.

This dish taste nice, you can see how's the chicken texture and sauce on the video, which is posted way up in the start of this post.
Portion wise is just enough for me, can finish it easily by myself, though would consider adding something else from the counter if I'm feeling peckish.

Taste Good - Chicken Salted Egg (S$5) Singapore

Taste Good

Sim Lim Square Singapore
02-04 (second floor)
