Option Bistro Citraland

Option Bistro & Billiard Center

Option Bistro - The Red Queen (IDR 45K)

Option ini sudah lama terkenal sebagai tempat Billiard favoritnya anak UC dan kawula muda yang rumahnya di daerah Pakuwon ke Citraland.
Baru saja Option mengadakan reopening, dengan nama yang sama tapi banyak perubahan di interior serta menunya. Jangan khawatir, menu favorit para pelanggan Option masih dipertahankan, Bubur Goreng yang fotonya ada di bawah ini ðŸ˜‰

Option is a favorite hangout spot for dining and playing billiard for the students in UC, which is located around Citraland area.
This popular place have recently reopened their restaurant, with plenty of changes on their menu and interior.
Don't worry about your favorite menu though, they're still keeping their wildly popular Fried Porridge which is pictured bellow.

Option Bistro - Bubur Goreng (IDR 45K)

Option Bistro Surabaya - Fried Pork Mantau (IDR 68k)
Beda utamanya dengan dahulu ada di pilihan menu makanan beratnya + beberapa menu minuman yang keren untuk feed instagenic ðŸ˜€
Serta ada pilihan wine dan alkohol ringan untuk menemani makan.
Dahulu lebih banyak small bites dan makanan ringan dan praktis, kalau sekarang sudah lebih banyak opsi makanan yang cocok untuk dating, family outing. 

The main addition from their menu is the main dishes and a few instagenic drinks
Not to mention the selections of wine and beers 
They used to serve many small bites and practical food, catered to young crowd, nowadays it's getting more posh. The dishes are now suitable for dating, family outing or other functions.

Option Bistro Surabaya - Signature Steak (IDR 110 / 130K)

Foto-foto A7r + Fuji 56mm f1.2

Option Bistro Surabaya - Meat The Salad (IDR 100 K)
Option Bistro Surabaya - Meat The Salad (IDR 100 K)

 Kita dua kali ke resto ini, satu kali menggunakan kamera M43 kuno, Panasonic GF1, kali berikutnya menggunakan Sony A7r + Fuji 56mm f1.2
Nanti akan saya bahas di blog post berikutnya tentang kamera dan lensa tersebut, cukup menarik karena seharusnya lensa Fuji ini untuk kamera APSc, ternyata bisa dipakai dengan lancar untuk kamera Full Frame

We went to this establishment twice, once using my ancient M43 camera, Panasonic GF1, the other time using a combination of Sony A7r and Fujinon 56mm f1.2
I'll post about this interesting combo on the next blog post. It's quite interesting since the lens were suppose to be for APSc camera, but it fits perfectly on my full frame Sony (with adapted mount)

Option Bistro Surabaya - Meat The Salad (IDR 100k)

Option Bistro - Bubur Goreng (IDR 45K) & Summer Breeze (IDR 48k)

Back to the Option Bistro

Option Bistro Surabaya - Meat The Rice (IDR 75k)

Salted Egg Chicken / Dory (IDR 55k)
Saat lihat menu ini, saya langsung teringat dengan menu serupa yang ada di Sim Lim Square (https://www.foodgrapher.com/2018/05/taste-good-chicken-salted-egg-sim-lim.html)
Semua masakan di Option ini enak-enak, dengan beberapa menu yang sangat menarik, salah satunya Salted Egg ini. Kalau suka dengan rasa salted egg yang creamy dan heavy bakal cocok dengan menu ini. Beda utamanya dengan yang versi 'asli' di Sim Lim adalah versi Sim Lim lebih kuat aromanya, kalau di sini lebih lembut, mungkin dicocokkan dengan selera Surabaya. 

Upon seeing this menu, I immediately get reminded of this particular salted egg dish in Singapore : https://www.foodgrapher.com/2018/05/taste-good-chicken-salted-egg-sim-lim.html
All the food we tried here taste great, especially ones with beef for me. The other dishes are equally interesting like this salted egg chicken.
If you enjoy the creamy and heavy taste of salted egg, you'd love this.
The main difference between this and the original one in Sim Lim is the strength of salted egg taste. It's lighter in Option, which probably caters to Surabaya's taste buds.

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Menu Option Bistro

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Menu Option Bistro Surabaya

Option Bistro & Billiard

Address: Bukit Golf Tengah, Telaga Utama Road Blok D1 No.27, Jeruk, Lakarsantri, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60213

Phone: (031) 51160449
