Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice - Singapore
Nasi Kare ala Hainan di Singapura
Minggu lalu saya ikut acara TravelokaEats
yang seru. Banyak tempat yang kuliner yang menarik kita kunjungi di Surabaya
& Madura. Karenanya minggu ini saya jadi ingin share tentang hidden gem
yang saya temui di negeri tetangga, Singapura.
Last week we had a blast, joining a culinary travel event by TralokaEats. We visited places that are well known and also some hidden gems in Surabaya & Madura.
That gets me pumped up to share similar hidden gems culinary delights, this time in the neighboring Singapore.
Loo's Hainan Curry Rice |
Tempat ini lebih cocok untuk
penggemar street food sejati, jangan berharap bisa foto-foto nyaman, karena
untuk dapat tempat duduk saja cukup sulit.
Saya akhirnya duduk di kursi tanpa meja, jadi tidak bisa optimal ambil foto, tapi tetap bisa puas menikmati nasi karenya
Saya akhirnya duduk di kursi tanpa meja, jadi tidak bisa optimal ambil foto, tapi tetap bisa puas menikmati nasi karenya
This place is for the street food lover, so don't
expect to get comfy and take multiple food photos here. It's hard to just get a
seat, so taking food photo here is quite a challange.
I ended up sitting in a chair without a table. Despite
that, I did manage to enjoy the dining experience
Be Prepared to Queue at Lunch Time |
Saat ke sini saya tidak melihat
adanya menu. Setelah antri saya ke meja kasir dan ditanya ingin pesan apa.
Pilihan saya jatuh ke menu paling populer di sini, nasi kare dengan daging babi
dan sayur.
Curry with Pork Cutlet
I didn't see any menu on my visit here. After queuing,
we got to the cashier table and they will ask what we want. I settled for one
of their popular dish, Hainanese Curry Rice with Pork Cutlet
Loo's Hainan Curry Rice - Singapore |
Menu lainnya cukup beragam, ada
display ala Nasi Padang di sini, jadi yang kesulitan komunikasi bisa juga pesan
dengan tunjuk-tunjuk menu
saya sih beli yang sudah menu pakem saja, karena biasanya lebih murah dibanding
kita pesan sendiri, ditambah lagi tidak salah kombinasi.
There's a food display here, so if you have trouble
ordering menu, you can just point at what you want to eat.
I'd rather stay with their standard dish, since it's both cheaper and minimizing the chance of a weird food combination.
I'd rather stay with their standard dish, since it's both cheaper and minimizing the chance of a weird food combination.
Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice with Pork Chop - SGD 5.20 |
Harga Satu piring Nasi Kare
ini SGD 5.20, atau sekitar 65rb. Walau tidak murah, tapi saya rasa sesuai
dengan kualitas yang didapat. Tempat ini sudah beroperasi sejak 1946, untuk
harga yang tidak mahal tersebut kita bisa dapat masakan enak & sedikit
A plate of this curry rice costs me SGD 5.20. Whilst
not cheap as far as hawker food goes, you do get your money worth. This eatery
have been in business since 1946, so you can savor both a tasty dish, with a
dash of nostalgia.
Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice with Pork Cutlet - SGD 5.20 |
Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice
71 Seng Poh Rd #01-49, Singapore 160071
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