Rujak Petis & Cingur Ahmad Jais - Surabaya
Rujaknya Sultan
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Rujak Cingur Ahmad Jais - Surabaya |
Surabaya, kota yang penduduknya kalau beli apapun ditawar, sempat trending dengan tagar / hashtag #CrazyRichSurabaya.
Saya kalau ingat tabiat orang sekeliling sih nahan geli sendiri, karena berapapun kayanya, acapkali perhitungan bingit, makanya kalau ada promo J-CO dan kawannya pasti buanyaaak yang antri, dari semua strata sosial.
Nah ada satu contoh yang valid dikasih tagar crazy rich beneran di Surabaya, Rujak Ahmad Jais 🤩
Surabaya, my beloved city with abundance of frugal
people, have been in the lime light a few months back, with the hashtag
That being said, almost all people I know, spend money
like uncle scrooge, despite how much their income is.
Now there's one genuine place that deserve the Crazy
Rich hashtag, this Rujak Cingur in Ahmad Jais Street. 🤩
Rujak is basically and Indonesian version of salad
consisting of vegetable and fruits. The Singaporean called this dish Rojak.
There's 2 main version, one with sweet sauce, no meat, and the other with
savory one, complete with protein (Cow's Nose), tofu, and tempeh.
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Rujak Cingur Ahmad Jais |
Rujak ini disinggahi banyak orang
terkenal (mungkin) karena saya baru aware adanya dinding penuh foto ini saat
proses editing hasil jepretan saya. Saat itu kita sudah keburu konsen ke
makanan, dan tempatnya penuh sesak dengan teman-teman satu gang di acara
Traveloka Eats, jadi foto ini kelewatan dari perhatian saya.
This place is frequented by famous people, I don't
know who, but they gotta be famous to get their mugshot plastered on this
eatery walls.
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Rujak Cingur Ahmad Jais |
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Rujak Cingur Ahmad Jais |
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Rujak Cingur Ahmad Jais |
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Rujak Cingur Ahmad Jais |
Tadi saya tulis kalau tempat ini
bener bener Crazy Rich, alasannya?
1 porsi rujak cingur yang biasanya dijual dari kisaran Rp 15.000 - 30.000,
tergantung tempat makannya.
di sini, tempat makannya tanpa AC, di gang, dan harganya per porsi Rp
tidak tahu pasti porsinya segede apa, karena pertama kali makan di sini saat
diajak Traveloka Eats.
Foto di atas ini saya yang bikin
porsi sendiri, setelah bancakan bareng teman teman di satu tempeh besar rujak.
I mentioned that this is Crazy Rich's Rujak, know why?
This dish usually costs around IDR 15k to 30k,
excluding those crazy 5 star hotel prices
Now this place here, doesn't have Air Conditioning
AFAIK, located inside a small alley, and it costs a whopping IDR 70k per plate.
I'm not sure how big would the portion size be, since on this trip we had the Rujak in one big plate, buffet style.
I'm not sure how big would the portion size be, since on this trip we had the Rujak in one big plate, buffet style.

Jadi kenapa rujak ini mahal
satunya karena penggunaan mente dalam saus (konon legendanya begitu)
tidak terlalu merasakan rasa mente, tapi tekstur sausnya beda memang, ditambah
lagi rasa petis yang biasanya nyenggrak, tidak terlalu dominan di Rujak ini
mungkin lebih berfungsi menambah minyak dalam saus, serta mengurangi aroma
So what makes this Rujak so expensive?
Some say they use cashew in the sauce, which I don't
really taste. I do notice the difference in texture and the shrimp paste fishy
taste was more mellow compared to what I usually encounter in this kind of
I think the cashew if there's really any, works as an
oilier version of nuts, making the sauce creamy, and somewhat cutting back on
the fishy / gamy taste.
Alasan kedua, yang ini
dari pengamatan saya sendiri, Cingurnya yang dipakai memang kualitas super...
ada yang nyeletuk, irunge nganggo Wagyu 🤑
Kalau biasanya ada
bagian-bagian yang agak keras dari Cingur, di sini rasanya lembut.... melt in
your mouth kalau kata abang bule.
Now for the second reason, and this is from my own observation, the meat used here is superb
Nose usually have those little cartilage bones, serving as extra
texture for those who like it, but for me just plain unpleasant.
This one, be it from the cooking technique, or the superior products, have a very mild flavor and tenderness.
This one, be it from the cooking technique, or the superior products, have a very mild flavor and tenderness.
different from the Rujak you see on typical street food vendor.
Kalau ada yang minat arisan /
hajatan / buat snack massal, bisa pesan satu tempeh besar Rujak ini, dengan
porsi 15
Harganya? Rp 1.050.000
Harganya? Rp 1.050.000
pasti penasaran, sebetulnya enaknya seberapa sih rujak ini.
Kalau merujuk google review, ada yang bilang biasa saja, ada yang suka banget.
Menurut saya, Rujak versi ini lebih cocok untuk saya yang awalnya tidak terlalu demen Rujak Cingur,karena untuk lidah saya agak over amisnya.
Mirip sama kasusnya Kopi Luwak
Kalau yang gila kopi seperti saya, malah kadang kerasa kurang mantab, tapi untuk kalangan penikmat kopi lain, rasa mildnya yang bikin nagih dan rela bayar mahal.
Kalau merujuk google review, ada yang bilang biasa saja, ada yang suka banget.
Menurut saya, Rujak versi ini lebih cocok untuk saya yang awalnya tidak terlalu demen Rujak Cingur,karena untuk lidah saya agak over amisnya.
Mirip sama kasusnya Kopi Luwak
Kalau yang gila kopi seperti saya, malah kadang kerasa kurang mantab, tapi untuk kalangan penikmat kopi lain, rasa mildnya yang bikin nagih dan rela bayar mahal.
If you'd like to order this gigantic plate of Rujak,
it costs Rp 1.050.000 and you'd get the equivalent of 15 portions.
You might be curious, is the price worth it?
Well it depends.. if you never had Rujak before, and
you have a western palate, this would be a better choice of Rujak to try.
On the other hand, for locals that likes Rujak the way
the street vendor does, this one might not be to your liking.
You might know Kopi Luwak, which is a milder and more expensive kind of coffee, it's the same situation.
Taste-wise, this Rujak is creamy and mild, would certainly be more palatable for westerners or tourists from abroad. I certainly like this Rujak, and I think that's mainly because I'm not a big fan of Petis, the Shrimp Paste which is the main ingredient for this Rujak's sauce.
You might know Kopi Luwak, which is a milder and more expensive kind of coffee, it's the same situation.
Taste-wise, this Rujak is creamy and mild, would certainly be more palatable for westerners or tourists from abroad. I certainly like this Rujak, and I think that's mainly because I'm not a big fan of Petis, the Shrimp Paste which is the main ingredient for this Rujak's sauce.
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