Nasi Telor Viral Sentosa

Nasi Telor Sentosa - Surabaya

Nasi Telor Sentosa - 💸 Spesial Sentosa - IDR 20k

Minggu lalu kita diajak untuk mencicipi + bikin konten video buat Nasi Telor Sentosa
setelah agak lama tidak menulis review blog, kali ini saya gatal ingin mengulas menu viral satu ini.

This week we got a chance to try this viral egg and rice dish, and make a video out of them.
It's been a while since I got the motivation to blog again, and this simple yet interesting menu gets my fingers going again.

Pertama ketemu nasi telornya, sempat kepikir ada miripnya dengan Fu Yung Hai (telor kepiting) mungkin rasanya
Ternyata cukup banyak bedanya, kalau fu yung hai biasanya tidak digoreng sekering telor sentosa ini, jadi rasanya tetap agak basah. Sedangkan si Sentosa ini telornya crispy, garing, dan terasa enak walaupun toppingnya tidak banyak.

At first glance, it kinda reminds me of egg foo young dish
Turns out there's quite a difference. Egg foo young is a bit less crispy in texture, and there's that sweet and sour sauce to balance the taste
Whilst this dish were made deep fried, with shallots and chilli sauce for condiments.

Nasi Telor Sentosa - 💸 Spesial Sentosa - IDR 20k

Nasi Telor Sentosa - G Walk

Urusan rasa, walaupun sederhana cukup mengena.
Telur yang di deep fried seperti di video instagram account kita, setelahnya ditiriskan, diberi sambal dan bawang goreng.
Ada paket yang pakai telur mata sapi juga, tapi buat saya yang bikin unik telur dadarnya yang crispy itu.

Taste-wise it's delicious whilst being spartan
You can see from our promo video below, which was originally posted in instagram
There's also runny egg, cooked sunny side up in this dish, but what's really good for me is the deep fried omelette below.

Lumayan menginspirasi, sampai-sampai saya pesan khusus untuk koki di resto milik keluarga untuk bikin menu Omelete crispy, topping dan harganya tentu beda, karena saya pingin versi yang lebih berisi

It’s quite an inspiring dish albeit super simple. So much so I had my family’s restaurant cook to concoct a similar dish.
It’s similarly deep fried, having the oil thoroughly drained so it’s not soggy at all
The main difference is the topping, since I wanted to get a beefier version of the dish 
Omelete Crispy - Niki Sae resto (Rp 30.000)

🍴 Sentosa Nasi Telor (IG : @sentosanasitelor @sentosanasitelor.sby )
🏡 G-Walk / Food Spot (sebelah Kopi Soe)
