The Neighbors Udon

The Neighbors Surabaya

Daripada bingung masak Indomie, mending cari mie di tetangga saja ah..
The Neighbors alias si tetangga yang jago bikin burger sekarang ada menu baru yang wenak
Menu mie Udon dengan topping yang beda dari biasanya
The Neighbors ini adalah hasil kreasi dari rekan foodies / influencer ternama di Surabaya, Hendrik Pyong.

I'd like to introduce our dear readers to The Neighbor's new menu
They usually are famous for the moist burger with great tasting sauce, and now their latest creation is a fusion dry Udon.
This restaurant is owned by a fellow foodies / influencer in Surabaya, Hendrik Pyong

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

Yang pernah ke sini dan coba french fries dengan beragam topping, mungkin bisa membayangkan enaknya Udon ini
Sebagian topping dari french fries ada yang citarasanya diadopsi di Udon ini.
Selain itu ada juga topping-topping baru yang bisa dilihat di foto-foto ini.

If you've ever visit the place and tried their multitudes of french fries toppings, you'd probably can guess how delicious this udon would taste.
That's right, they use some of the same kind of succulent toppings as their fries.

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

Blog post ini saya sempat-sempatin tulis sebelum trip, jadi mohon maklum kalau tidak diberi nama individual per menu
Nanti kalau pesan bisa coba ditunjukkan saja ke waitressnya, atau sama Pyong yang biasanya jaga markas 

I was a bit pressed on time writing this post, so forgive my lack of details on the individual dish menu. In case you're inspired to try their dishes from this blog post, you can opt to show the picture to the waitress, or Pyong, who usually spend his time on the eatery.

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

The Neighbors Surabaya - Udon

Rasa udonnya semua enak, dan sempat icip-icip banyak topping yang maknyoes
Tapi favorit saya masih burgernya
Masalahnya untuk saya yang menghindari karbo, burger jadi pilihan yang lebih minim kadar karbonya, dengan catatan tanpa habiskan french friesnya ya
Kalau masalah rasa, keduanya setara kok, jadi kudu cobain Udon untuk yang tidak masalah ketemu karbo
We tried all their new Udon dish, whilst I can savor the toppings only due to my carb restriction.
For me my favorite menu is still this burger bellow
Aside from the classic taste, I do have a limitation on what I can eat, and the burger is a lesser carb loaded menu, hence the choice.
Taste-wise their both great, so don't hesitate to try their new delicious Udon here

The Neighbors Surabaya - Burger

The Neighbors Surabaya - Burger


The Neighbors Surabaya - Panna Cotta (IDR 40k)

Menu :
The Neighbors Menu

The Neighbors Menu

The Neighbors Menu

The Neighbors Menu

The Neighbors

Details on our IG : Thefoodgrapher
